I am currently mediating in online Zoom sessions. Please let me know if I can help you!
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Mediation to Resolve Parent / Child Issues

Parenting is a tough job. Being a kid isn't always a picnic either. Conflict between the two is just a fact of family life. Most of these issues are dealt with routinely - we work it out, talk it out or wait it out.

Some issues are more critical than others; if not addressed, they can escalate. Mediation can help open communications and get the situation back on track.

"Our Son is skipping school and getting suspended!"
"My parents won't let me do anything!"
"We fear for our daughter's future, she is out of control!"
"My son has no respect for my rules. He has no accountability!"

Mary Sargent is a Mediator in the NH Office for Mediation and Arbitration, specializing in Family Services.

These concerns are risky to discuss: You don't want to injure the relationship with your kid or make the issue worse. A skilled Mediator can help keep the conversation healthy and productive.

Mediation can help open communications and get the situation back on track.

"If you have never been hated by your child, you have never been a parent."

Bette Davis

Mediation provides a neutral third party, someone who will coordinate the conversation and provide an atmosphere that mitigates the risks and encourages healthy communication. A Mediator can make a difficult conversation as comfortable as possible and guide conflicting parties toward an understanding each side can live with.

Mary Sargent Mediation • 3 Executive Park Drive • Suite 204 • Bedford NH 03110 • (603) 836-3479
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