I am currently mediating in online Zoom sessions. Please let me know if I can help you!
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Mediation for Elder Decisions

Watching loved ones age is difficult. We want to encourage independence but there may be complicating considerations such as physical, financial or cognitive limitations.

  • How can I remain at home?
  • Where will Dad go after rehab?
  • Does my family understand my wishes?
  • Should Mom sell the house?

Difficult Decisions Require Difficult Conversations

The Mediator encourages open discussion of options that address all parties' concerns and foster as much independence for your loved one as possible.

Mediation can offer a starting point for a conversation that allows family members to talk about their concerns in a safe, neutral and confidential setting. It can be hard to bring up issues of concern without offending our loved ones. Family members may have differing ideas about what their loved one needs. Loved ones may not want to "burden" us with their concerns.

A Mediator facilitates healthy and clear communication between the parties, ensuring that each has a chance to speak and be heard.

A Mediator facilitates healthy and clear communication between the parties, ensuring that each has a chance to speak and be heard. The Mediator encourages open discussion of options that address all parties' concerns and foster as much independence for your loved one as possible.

Click here to read an article about elder mediation.

"First we are children to our parents, then parents to our children, then parents to our parents, then children to our children."

Milton Greenblatt

Mary Sargent Mediation • 3 Executive Park Drive • Suite 204 • Bedford NH 03110 • (603) 836-3479
Call to Schedule Your AppointmentNow Accepting Referrals from Massachusetts